Thursday, March 31, 2011

Poem Response

                   "I,too" is a poem by Langston Hughes . It is a lyrical that conveys the fact that America isn't all about white people. Though it doesnt nor has to have a  rhyme scheme like many peoms, it still declares the fact that it is time for the white people to scoot over and make room for everyone else. No matter What color their skin is.
               Though Poems are free. There are still key elements uss to enhance a poem. Some of the elements that Hughes uses in this particular poem is repetition, medaphore, and imagry. An espeicially interestin line in the poem is: ""When company comes Nobody'll dare say to me, "Eat in the Kitchen", then." I think that that line means that when the people somewhat brainwashed by American media and propaganda see the things that the Whites do to the blacks, the whiters will be to ashamed to keep doing what they did before.
                   I think that the wish of that peom mostly came true. We've definitely let black people sit at our table. i wish Langston Hughes was here that our president is an African American.

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